Broad Bean and Mint Frittata

Image of broad beans in the pod

To double-pod or not to double-pod, as Hamlet might have asked if he’d spent more time in Elsinore’s kitchens instead of stabbing bits of tapestry and getting terminally depressed. It’s a valid question and one which is almost as divisive as the state of Denmark’s politics in the late Middle Ages. Continue reading

Matthew’s Tomato and Cheese Pie

Matthew Locricchio is one of the best chefs I know. We have happy memories of a few days spent with him and his husband Richard at their former weekend home in Stuyvesant in the Hudson Valley, visiting the farmers’ market, pottering around antique shops and then going home in time for Matthew to cook up a storm in the kitchen.

Matthew has written a series of award-winning cookery books for youngsters. I bought one for our niece some years ago then promptly acquired several more for myself. This recipe is from Teen Cuisine and it’s one I’ve returned to time and again. It’s a bit like a quiche, but without the pastry and cream. It’s genius – I wish I’d invented it. Continue reading